This post is a general acknowledgement of your awesomeness. Just so you know.
I'm actually thinking of undertaking some Pereos work of my own, of a sort. I've really been itching to write up a webcomic management system, but had no real reason to, since there are solutions out there. The more I've looked, though, the less I've liked the solutions.
So, I'm thinking if/when I do actually write this thing, it'll be a good thing for Pereos. I'm working on design docs of a sort now, just thinking about what's important to a webcomic system.
Comments 1
I'm actually thinking of undertaking some Pereos work of my own, of a sort. I've really been itching to write up a webcomic management system, but had no real reason to, since there are solutions out there. The more I've looked, though, the less I've liked the solutions.
So, I'm thinking if/when I do actually write this thing, it'll be a good thing for Pereos. I'm working on design docs of a sort now, just thinking about what's important to a webcomic system.
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