I'm tired and can't sleep, so here are some quizzes for you.
You are a
Social Liberal
(80% permissive)
and an...
Economic Liberal
(20% permissive)
You are best described as a:
The Politics Test on
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You scored 67% kindness, 28% courage, 39% seedy past, and 28% secretiveness!
"Don't talk to me about the baby. I'm sick of everyone telling me what to do."
You are Claire. You are a very kind and caring person. You're not the bravest on the island, but you will stand up for yourself when the need arises. Compared to the other survivors, you have a pretty clean past and you're open and honest about most things. It's a good thing, too - Turniphead needs you to be nurturing and caring in order for him to grow up and NOT become the antichrist. Luckily, Charlie seems more than happy to assist you.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 53% on kindness
You scored higher than 5% on courage
You scored higher than 76% on seedy past
You scored higher than 7% on secretiveness
The Which Lost Character Are You Test written by
ack_attack on
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Upstanding citizen
You scored 63% Do Gooder, 51% Drive, and 35% Intellect!
You are a lovely person and probably one of the best human beings out there. You care about people, but you also care about yourself. You are intelligent, but not over-the-top. You are resourceful and take pride in helping others, but you're not an annoying 'goody two shoes.' I admire your ability to get out there and do something with your life. You probably think that it's better to do something yourself than to ask someone else and I'm apt to agree. This is one of the best categories you can get so be proud.
All human being categories are: Lazy SOB, Rebel w/out a Cause, Evil Mastermind, Henchman, Criminal, Dictator, Frat Boy, Socialite, Philosopher, Stunt Double, Upstanding Citizen, Teacher, Cheerleader, Sister Mary DoGood, Benefactor, Loyal Sidekick, Candy Striper, Goody Two-Shoes.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 43% on Do Gooder
You scored higher than 31% on Drive
You scored higher than 3% on Intellect
The What Type of Human Are You? Test written by
weeredIII on
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