Adventure Alert!!! Just now decided to make a day trip to Did-nee-lan this Sat.(it's been more than 20-min since our last trip and we are jonesing something fierce) This is an open invite message. all who can are welcome.
It's My B-day(the angels weeping should have been a clue). Off to Vegas to Sin-in-Detail. Stories shall follow. Songs too(but they'll most likely sound like "Turkey in The Straw...").
Greetings all, Just wanted to give y'all a heads up. Da wife and I are gonna make a Disneyland run this coming Saturday. I know it's a bit short notice, but those who can join us would be most welcome and those that can't will be sorely missed. Hope to hear from y'all soon.
Greetings all, I just checked the Sci-fi site(on a complete whim). The new episodes of Battlestar Galactica are scheduled to begin Jan. 16th(Friday, no time slot was given). We will be hosting that nite, and Marjy has said she would make pizza. More info to follow as it becomes available. That is all.
This is mostly directed to our Friday nite crew, but not exclusively so. Our friend Ruth is celebrating her B-day this weekend @ the beach Sat. eve. w/ a bonfire. It starts about 8-ish, and I suspect it shant run late(most likely ending before club). For those interested, give me a buzz on da cell and I'll pass on the details.