A prostitue or someone who loves you, no matter who you are or what you look like. But that's not why you pay a prostitute, no you don't for pay her to stay, you pay her to leave afterwards. That's why I pays a lot for prostituuuutes.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr James Taylor: A prostitute is like any other woman; they all trade something for sex, and they do it well. That's why I say, prostitutes, prostitutes... oh.
James Taylor, what the hell you doin' in here, singing about prostitutes to the children? Get outta here!
Comments 2
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr James Taylor:
A prostitute is like any other woman; they all trade something for sex, and they do it well. That's why I say, prostitutes, prostitutes... oh.
James Taylor, what the hell you doin' in here, singing about prostitutes to the children? Get outta here!
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