So, as you all know, I leave Japan soon, 13 days actually. Boo. So lately, every weekend friends and I have been drinking like thirsty dogs and getting drunk, going clubbing, checking out new restaurants and things like that. Follow the link to see some pics of my last two weekends.
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Comments 11
PS: you have lost a lot of weight in Japan and you look SUPER HAWT! and your hair is sexy too RAWR!
Don't be jealous. I'm jealous of you living in California. Living the beach life and living like how they do in the tv shows I see. Ha ha ha. AND YOU WORK AT VANS. Super jealous of you :P
PS : I'll be closing my LJ account when I return to Australia, I dont like LJ anymore. Theyre becoming too messy. So I will be blogging on blogspot, in Japanese only though. I'll have to link you there when I start it ;) Coz I know you'll be able to read it :)
PPS : Can I come to California? I'll be your best friend :D *bribes you with Pocky*
PPPS : Whats the weather like in CA?
PPPPS : How many P's can one add to a PS before it starts sounding weird.
PPPPPS : I think 5, so that shall be it.
hahah you can totally come to california and be my best friend. want to move here? we need a new housemate in october! lol
Have a great night. I'm off to bed, I have to be up in like 6 hours. :(
Shrunken, ha! Fudgenuts indeedy, seriosuly, wasnt i just counting down the days till I left australia like a few weeks ago? Geez tie goes fast.
Im excited for ditting!!!! YOu have to dit me! And we can go to a cafe and do some dittage while ditdoing our dits! And be ditheads! SHIT i cant wait dit!
Even though I haven't commented a lot, haha, I'm really going to miss your posts when you leave lj! I hope you've had a great year in Japan, it's been lots of fun reading about it :)
hmm. Maybe I should continue with LJ?
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