Some things on LJ aren't working properly for me now, and I don't know whether to try switching to some other style or what. *sigh* I think I'll wait to see if they decide to change something else before making any decisions.
So. Anyway. Survived another round of yuletide and am mostly intact. That said, the tighter deadline was hell (still wobbling from lack of sleep here), which has settled for me that I'll sit out in future if there are similar time constraints. No can do, and shouldn't have done. In the end, I had to slide out of all paying work to get finished (and a steady infusion of booze also played a role here), and I was still editing in major revisions at 11:58 on 12/24. So it's done, posted, and probably still ridden with typos, but I'll get around to ferreting those out eventually. Hit 21K this year after a lot of sleep-typing and ruthless chopping.
I've volunteered for this particular fandom every year someone's asked for it, but no fics have ever been posted for it. So this would be the debut for an oft-requested, never-assigned series -- and I finally got it in the year when our writing time was cut in half. (Damn.) Plus, the specific request presented a few problems that translated into spending quality time with Google. I was worried the result would be disappointing, but the people who've read it so far who're familiar with the original say it sounds all right. Which has been a relief, under the circumstances.
During the mental-health breaks, I beta-read a bunch of fanfics for stuff I knew nothing about when other volunteers were lacking (I don't remember how many, but at least ten, likely more) and proofread a journal article that came sailing through unexpectedly.
Hit the dentist last week -- or the week before? I forget -- and have to go back at the dentist in January. I've been informed that several teeth are showing fissures around fillings that were put in ... I don't even know when they were put in. Maybe when I was a teenager? I don't know. So they're going to put some crowns on them. This does not sound entertaining, but I s'pose the alternative is worse.
Nothing else is going on, really. It snowed yesterday, which was unusual because it hasn't been doing that this winter.