Mike is the #105 most common male name.
0.189% of men in the US are named Mike .
Around 231525 US men are named Mike !
namestatistics.com Pieleck is a very rare last name.
Very few last names in the US are Pieleck.
Be proud of your unique last name!
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Comments 4
Brian is the #20 most common male name.
0.736% of men in the US are named Brian.
Around 901600 US men are named Brian!
source namestatistics.com
Bent is the #8004 most common last name.
0.001% of last names in the US are Bent.
Around 2500 US last names are Bent!
source namestatistics.com
Michael is the #4 most common male name.
2.629% of men in the US are named Michael.
Around 3220525 US men are named Michael!
source namestatistics.com
And this is funny because I actually KNOW your mom pretty well.
I love you, Mikey.
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