Megan Maiani ~ You are one of the nicest people I know. We've had some classes, together. I've enjoyed our friendship. You are a very kind and polite person. You're fun to be around. It was a lot of fun to watch you and the rest of the Softball Team play. Thanks for being my friend.
Kerstin Marklein ~ I really don't know you all that well. We've chatted a few times, here and there. I guess I should have been more of a talkative person. You are definitely one of my friends. It was fun watching you and the rest of the Softball Team play. I had fun at your Graduation party. Thanks for being my friend.
Alicia Martinico ~ We had some classes, together. I met you in Mr. Diroff's Geography Class. We sat next to each other. You are a very nice person. After that class was over, we stopped talking to each other. I really don't know why, though. I'd see you in the hall, and I wouldn't talk to you or anything. I feel really bad about it. I'm sorry. It was fun being around you. Thanks for being my friend.
Calli McCain ~ You are one of my best friends. We've had some classes, together. You made Kalk so much fun. You have always been there for me. You were always there to give me advice or help me out with a problem. Words can't truly express how much that means to me. You are a lot of fun to be around. On top of all that, you were an excellent class leader. I'm sorry that I never wrote you a letter, this Summer. Thanks for being my friend.
Lisa McCranie ~ I met you in Mr. Garvie's class. I enjoyed chatting with you. You are a very nice person to be around. Thanks for being my friend.
Eric McEvoy ~ You made Kalk fun to be in. That whole corner was awesome. You have a great sense of humor. You're fun to be around. Thanks for being my friend.
Mike McIntosh ~ We had Garvie's class, together. You slept a lot, in that class. But, did we really do much in that class? You're a nice guy. Thanks for being my friend.
Jon McKinnie ~ You are one of the nicest guys I know. You made Track fun. You pushed the team to do well. You were one of the best guys, on the team. Thanks for the leadership. Thanks for being my friend.
John Medina ~ I've known you since 9th Grade. I sat at your lunch table. You are a nice guy. You're very fun to be around. Thanks for being my friend.
Erin (Gary) Meyers ~ I met you in 11th Grade at one of the float parties. We've had some classes, together. You make class fun. You are a very interesting person to be around. You work, right down the street from my house. That's pretty cool. I've enjoyed our friendship. You are one of the nicest people I know. Thanks for being my friend.
Angela Miciura ~ I also met you in 11th Grade at one of the float parties. You were one of the smartest people in Kalk. We exchanged Valentine cards. I enjoyed that. You know how to have a good time. You are a lot of fun to be around. You drive a sweet car. It's been fun. Thanks for being my friend.
Laura Migliaccio ~ You are definitely one of the nicest people I know. I'm glad I have gotten to know you, a little. It's funny, when I would come to school, you would always be the first person to say "hi" to me. I like how you are friendly to everyone. Most people aren't like that. You are a lot of fun to be around. I'd always see you on my way to Psychology class. I've really enjoyed our friendship. I'm glad we are friends. Thanks for being my friend.
Katie Miller ~ I've really enjoyed our friendship. You sat behind me in Kalk. You, along with the rest of that corner, made that class so much fun. There is so much to say about you. But, I really don't know how to put it all into words. You are one of the nicest people I know. I really enjoyed watching you cheer. You gave me a cheer shirt. I still have it. You are a very kind and friendly person. I'm sorry that we haven't been able to hang out. You can blame that on my sweet phone. I'm really glad we are friends. I don't know where I'd be without you. Thanks for being my friend.
Justin Modzelewski ~ I met you in Mr. Keast's class. Fun times. Then, we had Kalkulus. You're a nice guy. You made class enjoyable. I enjoyed chatting with you. I enjoyed your interesting stories. You're a funny guy. Thanks for being my friend.
Christian Montgomery ~ A classy guy, indeed. We've had some classes, together. You are one of the smartest people I know. You are also one of the nicest. You are fun to be around. You made Mr. Keast's class enjoyable. You and Shane made Kalkulus a lot of fun to be in. I enjoyed watching you in the school plays. Thanks for being my friend.
Sarah Moss ~ I met you in 11th Grade, at the lunch table. Those were some good times. We had Mr. Keast's class, together. That was a fun class. I enjoyed doing all the plays, in that class. You are such a nice person. Thanks for being my friend.
Mary Mysliwiec ~ I really don't know you all that well. We've had some classes, together. Spanish was an interesting class. You're a nice person. Thanks for being my friend.
Dave Neasz ~ We've had some classes, together. You're a nice guy. You're interesting to be around. Thanks for being my friend.
Chris Noel ~ You are a nice guy. I've known you for a little while, now. It was fun to watch you and the rest of the Swim Team compete. Thanks for being my friend.