omg...this is some funny shit !!!!katana99June 16 2003, 16:53:53 UTC
WOW...mike you have to agree that girls are a bunch of bitches who seek only self fufillment...except for the rare ones that torn out to be now the ones that you end up dating...
Dude Mikeyo. Obviously it's some tree hugger whot hinks she knows a lot more than she really does. She's condescending and stupid, and acts like YOU'RE stupid, when you asked a valid question. A bunch of times. And furthermore, by blocking you, she shows that she's too much of a chicken shit to finish a conversation she herself started. What a cock smoking bitch. -Ohzie "Notice! This user has turned on the option that logs IP addresses of anonymous posters." Go ahead! Take my IP! I don't want it! >P
Its funny how you pretend to be so many things you're not, I mean all the girls who stick up for you, they stick up for you so maybe theyll have a chance at being one of your friends. But your probably just using them for sex, or whatever sexual pleasure you get out of them. I could see right thru you ever since I met you. But I tried to tell myself you werent just some complete asshole. but you totally are. If anyone's an asshole or treats girls like trash behind there backs, its you. I can't belive I trusted you with my money. And you fucked us over and just stole the money so you could buy drugs for yourself, and you fucking tried to lie and say you lost it. which was ovbiously such BS. No one could be stupid enough to belive you after THAT. My god you must have taken me for some complete moron. You're such a peice of shit. I cannot belive you are so fucking cold hearted. You deserve no mercy, for your actions. If only people fucking knew....God. I'm sure you'll delete this cause you're a fucking coward like that. Don't want anyone
( ... )
First of all i would like to know where that fucking comment came from...i mean jesus we havent talked for months...second of all...I didn't steal your fucking money...third of know me less than anyone...ive barely talked to you while most of these people have known me my entire life? how can you say you know so much more about me than them? i'm not going to delete going to leave it as a shining monument to your say what you want? your opinions hold no regard to dont know me...and i guess you never will... -Jesus
well two things have become apparent to me after reading all of the above..
1. XfarewelldesireX is obviously some stupid ass hardcore girl. -my reasoning behind this being that there are two fairly large 'X's' in her name, and the fact that farewelldesire is some gay emo shit.
now, by being hardcore, one must only propose, that she is a BIG FUCKING STUIPID BITCH THAT HAS NO FRIENDS.
2. XfarewelldesireX did not learn the principal of 'MINDING YUR OWN FUCKIN BIZNASS' in the 2nd grade.
Comments 9
What a cock smoking bitch.
"Notice! This user has turned on the option that logs IP addresses of anonymous posters."
Go ahead! Take my IP! I don't want it! >P
1. XfarewelldesireX is obviously some stupid ass hardcore girl.
-my reasoning behind this being that there are two fairly large 'X's' in her name, and the fact that farewelldesire is some gay emo shit.
now, by being hardcore, one must only propose, that she is a BIG FUCKING STUIPID BITCH THAT HAS NO FRIENDS.
2. XfarewelldesireX did not learn the principal of 'MINDING YUR OWN FUCKIN BIZNASS' in the 2nd grade.
so shut the fuck up...
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