Title: The Green Eyed Monster
Author: Miki-hime
Rating: T, may change to M if I feel up to it.
Characters/Pairing: Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Lancelot (in the beginning), Merlin/Freya, Merlin/Morgana?
Word Count: 65,355 (Total)
Genre: AU, Adventure, Romance
Disclaimer: This is purely for fun, not for profit. Don't sue me, it's a waste of your time.
Summary: For
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Comments 3
The Morgana/Gwen made me a bit uncomfortable because I felt SO DAMN BAD for Morgana, HAHA. I wanted to glomp her and cuddle her for loving Gwen enough to let her go. What an interesting revelation about the Guardian thing! Can't wait to see more, 'cause I can never get tired of more Morgana. :D
Definitely looking forward to more! Did the Druids ambush her or something?!
And, druids you say? Not quite, but they're coming soon. Thanks for reading!
Loved the whole guardian thing. Gwen needs it more now than ever, hurry Morgana..
I also loved how jealous Gwen got, when thinking of Arthur kissing other girls. So, good on her for taking charge..;D
Ohh and Arthur noticing her hair is longer - he's definitely falling for her YAY!!
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