Title: Dog Days are Over
Spoilers: None, really. Maybe some throwbacks to the show in later chapters. There's also pop culture galore, but I never really spoil anything.
Rating: PG-13/ T
Words: 68, 007 (Total)
Pairings: Arthur/Gwen, Lancelot/Gwen, Merlin/Freya, Morgana/Leon (still on the fence about Merlin/Morgana)
Genre: AU/Romance/Humor/Mystery/Drama
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Comments 4
to read it. I'll upload it sometime tomorrow.
First I loved how you shifted the mood so quickly and naturally- it's a great talent of yours, loved Gwen dreaming about lancelot, waking up with Arthur, the cuteness of the pillow fight and then the snap back to reality with mordred's mum.
I really enjoyed Gwen getting a bit of revenge, you showed really well how she is human and isn't perfect, but she's still very much Gwen because she knows it's wrong even before she does it.
HA at jealous Arthur! Totally deserved it really didn't he? Especially after the 'he's using you' speech- oh dear oh dear.
And yay for the girl power in this chapter.
I said I was going to keep it short didn't I? Oh well- the best laid plans and all that.
Am off to read next part :D
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