So I went in for my induction this morning at 9am and it was like 11am before I got my pitocin. I had been contracting on my own since 4;30am but was still only 4cm when I got to the hospital. So once I got my pitocin the contractions kept getting more and more painful and finally a little before 1pm I asked for the epidural (this was right after the babies head finally dropped and oh boy did I start feeling it, I went from mildly uncomfortable to OUCH OUCH OUCH in a matter of like a minute!). So they came in to do my epi and I was in PAIN by then and all of a sudden the contractions went from every 2 minutes or so to right on top of each other and I had not even had that much pitocin since it was still on slow drip! So they are doing the epi and I am just hurting!!! Finally the epi is in and they have me lay down and I get my test dose of meds and the contractions die down a little then all of a sudden I am HURTING a ton again and the nurse checks me and I am 8cm so I figure I should have a few minutes for the epi to start working before I have the baby but OH NO my water decides to break and then I am horrible pain!! The epi lady came and gave me a straight dose of more meds in my epi line because I believe I was screaming a bit at that point and it really hurt like hell!!!! The baby is starting to crown they get the doctor in and I have the baby with the epi only taking a slight edge off the pain now I can say all of you that go natural on purpose must be legally insane Once the baby was out I felt SO MUCH better and of course like 5 minutes later the epi started to work and with the extra dose of meds I was really numb!!!! Vivienne is super mellow and would not cry!!! She still hasn't cried! She wasn't pinking up that fast but after a little while was fine but we had the ped in here checking on her and everything because of her not crying to get her lungs completely open and get the gunk out. She also is a poop champion since she pooped a ton before she was born and then for the first hour pooped like 10 times, it was REALLY funny because she just kept pooping. So now I am just relaxing in the hospital, My DH brought Alice and Cecile to the hospital for a few minutes to see the baby and they seem pretty pleased although I am sure once she actually comes home there will be some jealousy issues because Penny was here earlier in the day and did not look pleased at Mommy holding a new baby
And the stats:
Height: 21 inches
Weight: 9lbs 13 oz (yep she was a big baby!)
Time: 1:28pm
And now what everyone wants to see, some pictures!