Hey did you get my invitation??? We'll GET permission to come.. You only can stay Friday night.. Cause my older sister is home. Also, Chevy Chase is a comedian who is in National Lampoons Vacation.
miki, i know what i did. i was just waiting for you to stop holding a grudge. it doesn't really bother me so go ahead and not speak to me. oh yeah, you were trying hard not to say anything because i had tried to speak 2 u be4 but u ignored me. oh yeah i wasn't gonna rape maggie. when i get some, it's not going to be like that.PEACE!
sorry but it does matter to ME. untill he changes his atitude torwds people. he is not going to get his genetle any where near maggie. i don't under stand why she takes his shit!?
Comments 8
: ) See ya Miki! I hope you can come!! YAY B-day!
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