Title: Waes Hael
mikkary_bonesRating: K/PG
Prompt: the Ghost of Christmas Past
Notes: Christmas during the middle ages; Arthur is visiting and Francis thinks the castle is much too cold. It's almost like old times. See the end of the fic for historical notes.
The castle was drafty and choked with smoke, the way most castles were... )
Comments 5
Thank you for sharing!
And the details about the castle and the historical notes at the end! Ahaha you're so smart! (oooh, medieval civilization class, that sounds interesting) :D I don't know any of those things, so. Consider me impressed :D
And thank you! It was a pretty interesting class, at least when we were talking about how people lived back then, or weaponry, but we didn't talk nearly enough about specific historical events. D:
I'm glad you enjoyed!
And yet they're the same as always. I love how you write their bickering ♥
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