Title: A Twist or a Waltz Author: mikkary_bones Fandom: Hetalia Characters/Pairings: France/England, Belgium, Seychelles, Monaco Rating: PG/K+ Notes: England challenges France to a dancing contest (gratuitous humor)
France says he finds England's lack of charm absolutely reprehensible, and would at least like to teach him how to treat a lady. And of course, the best way of teaching is by demonstrating, is it not? 'Course he's lying.
That made me laugh. Probably the funniest part of that whole thing was Seychelles and Monaco getting into the spirit of the thing without having to put themselves in the middle of the fight. They cracked me up! XD
Comments 3
"He only says that because I will not let him lead."
Of course. Why would you want to dance with England anyways, hmm France?
France says he finds England's lack of charm absolutely reprehensible, and would at least like to teach him how to treat a lady. And of course, the best way of teaching is by demonstrating, is it not? 'Course he's lying.
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