Aya in the Movies!
Aya in In the SinglehoodSeeping with sweetness, this beloved masterpiece, set in turn of the millennium Canada, strives for a new angle in the story of two companions,
aidan (Kenneth Branagh) and
aya (Pia Miranda), who find themselves becoming closer after a shocking sequence of events has been dreamed up by his misguided sister,
valla (Minnie Driver). People with taste are feeling driven from this movie at the drive-in.
Heart of Gold
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of? brought to you by
Quizilla You're like Suzumi!
You are a very serious and calm person, though you can be angered easily by smaller "unimportant" things. A past love ended in tragedy and you can become lost inside if reminded of the subject.
You're the Lady Knight!
What woman out of fantasy literature are you? brought to you by