It's been such a long time since I last updated! How many people are still around? It feels like there are only one or two active Livejournal users on my friend list :D I need to find more LJ buddies!
Comment here if you're still active so that I can see how many people actually still read this silly little livejournal of mine!
Anyway, let's see what I've been up to lately... Well, university is keeping me busy as hell, I take four different languages this year so things are crazy right now! I take English (my major), French, Japanese and Swedish. I only have one course of Swedish for now, a mandatory course for those who don't have it as a major or subsidiary subject. I plan to study it as a subsidiary subject later, but since I'm not at all certain I will have the time, I'm taking the mandatory course now to avoid problems later. How surprisingly responsible of me! The old me would've avoided it until the very last minute.
Oh yeah! I decided I'd try to go to Japan as an exchange student! I've wanted to do it since like the 7th grade and I finally, FINALLY have the chance (thank you university!!)! I won't be able to leave until 2014 because of my silly pedagogical studies that I HAVE TO take in 2013. Psh! Well, at least I'll have time to do all of the Japanese courses my university offers. My Japanese teacher was very nice when I told her I want to go to Japan, she was like "I'm pretty sure you'll make it" and "I'll write you a letter of recommendation if you need one!" :) Here's hoping I really do make it!
in other news, I bought a 3DS! YAY! It's a used one, I bought it from my boyfriend's brother. He also gave me a case for it, some screen protectors (already attached), extra pens, two games and more! I saved a lot of money and am very very happy! <3
What else, what else... I don't really know. Life is busy busy but good. I'm happy.
And just so this post wouldn't be one big wall of text, here's a drawing for you!
A female mechanic! I love how awesome female mechanics in fiction tend to be. So, here's my own version of an awesome, confident female mechanic!
Ok, that's all, see you later!