Jul 08, 2010 00:01
- 11:11 @ ChrisSSims Agreed. #
- 15:04 @ JaredvonHindman There is a group of guys at DDXP that shout "Wootzor" anytime one of them crits... even if they are at different tables. #
- 15:06 @ JaredvonHindman youtu.be/W19sJbsW4WM #
- 15:09 @ JaredvonHindman Depends on the change/nerf.... some just take minor tweaking.... others your basically making a new char. #
- 15:33 @ JaredvonHindman Wont the House Rule button for Feats work? House-Rule -> Show all Feats? #
- 17:04 *sticks fingers in ears* la la la la la... will not comment on missiles magic or otherwise... la la la la la... #
- 17:09 @ newbiedm lol #
- 17:10 @ mudbunny74 Snoopy FLying Ace #
- 19:29 @ fredhicks Happy Customer here. My books came in today and they look great! #
- 19:51 @ mshea Make the noise, make the noise! #dnd #
- 22:13 @ chattydm Use Wave's spellchecker, not your browsers. (Hover over text, select correctly spelled word from list). #
- 22:14 Sleep early tonight I think. Good bye world! #
- 22:19 Fake 製作的#DnD Movie Trailer! is.gd/djq0s Danny Devito as Dungeon Master, perhaps? #
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