We're finally connected to the internet! And as promised, here are the two outfits I've been working on.
First is Vash's duster from Trigun. I bought the fabric a few years ago and I finally started it. I'll be opening the collar up so I can put some interfacing in it to make it stand up, then I need to sew on the buttons and then hem. It's hard to figure out if the panels of the duster are thin or if they're very wide due to some shots in the anime and some in the manga. I decided to make them a little wider to get the flowy look.
Next is my vampire costume I made for Halloween. I made a choker that's not in the picture and attached the red gem to it and I replaced the corset for one that made some years back because I didn't much like the way the new one bunched up.
I haven't done much this year costume-wise, but I think from all the things we've gone through this year, it's understandable.