(no subject)

Aug 23, 2010 12:24

So I wrote this quite a while ago.. I have actually accomplihed a few things, which suprises me lol Im still far far far behind getting it done, but ...

1. Drink more water
2. Clear OUT my clutter in my house (if I have things to give away, I'll post a little something, maybe with pics, in case any of you have a use for some of this stuff lol)
We have cleared out over half the storage crap and the living room looks cluttered but livable, I can see counter space in the kitchen (which says a lot cuz we have hardly any counter space to begin with lol)
3. Organize important dates all in one planner and KEEP it updated
4. Lose weight (eating better, exercising etc)
5. Start putting money INTO our tiny savings account

6. Knit more
7. Keep a potted plant alive
8. Practice crocheting to get better
9. Fold and PUT AWAY all our clean laundry instead of making a 'clean stack'
10. Level more of my other 'toons in World of Warcraft to 80
I now have 4 80s and have reched semi super dorkdom :D

11. Get more pretty fish for our aquarium
12. Cook more
13. Visit Maine
14. Figure out and fix the graphics problems our computer is having
NOTE: problem fixed: we got a new computer XD
15. Get better furniture (sofa and chair for living room and bed, in particular)
We got a used but new to us couch! It even folds into a guest bed thats actually comfy :)

16. Make guest room actually inhabitable (clutter, need a bed in there...)
See #2
17. Mend clothes in my 'to sew' pile
18. Be more crafty (I have a ton of supplies Im dying to use but have not been inspired yet!)
See a few entries below this.. made some stuff :D
19. Fill the recipe box I made with good recipes
20.Get rid of as much of the VHS tapes in our house as possible. DVD is the way for us :)
Nearly done!

21. Take more pictures (family, friends, example photos, scenery, anything)
22. Post more in my communities and journal (once every 4 months isn't gonna cut it anymore)
23. Read 10 books for pleasure (0/10 so far)
24. See Bon Jovi in concert at LEAST one more time (if Bon Jovi helps me out and tours again!)
25. Scrapbook more

26. Organize my yarn better (maybe rolling them all into balls...)
27. Roll my pennies in my penny collection to see how many I have so far (goal is a million)
28. Do more sit ups
29. Fix more stuff around the house (starting with 'find the reason my basement floods'!)
30. Get or make a toybox to hold all my puppy's toys

31. Get and install another kitchen cabinet for more storage space
32. Find a way (money and time-wise) to get my husband back to NY to visit his family
33. Use up puppy and rat treats BEFORE buying more
34. Write letters to someone...
35. Go to my first Tigers Game

36. Start making my beaded curtains
37. Adopt wildlife (maybe a penguin.. or a seal...) with a donation program
38. Make the OUTSIDE of the house prettier
39. Have a yardsale
40. Finish the knitting & crochet projects I've started or tag them as never-do's and free up the yarn and needles

41. Wash my walls
42. WATCH the TV show seasons on DVD we bought intending to watch and never did yet
43. Knit an outfit for my dog (he's very large and more XL dog outfits wont fit him)
44. Take a 'me' vacation alone
45. Go for walks more

46. Visit a museum
47. Learn more Hindi and Punjabi (I never expect to be a pro at this but I'd like to communicate better)
48. Donate to charities I like more often
49. Buy stock in something
50. Find a display case safe for my shot glass collection

51. Re-visit some of the places we have lived
52. Help my Warcraft Guild get to end-game content in raids
53. Make curtains for the windows in my house I have not made them for yet
54. Go fishing
55. Go vegetarian at least for one week a year

56.Click the Animal Shelter Donation button more often, and link it for others to do so also
57. Make at least 10 more batches of icons (0/10)
58. Steam Clean the carpets
59. Work on finishing all my Neopets collections
60. Find out where to recycle around here and do so

61. Replace ALL the lights in the house with energy saving ones
62. Organize all our CDs
63. Clean out my e mail inbox
Done this week! lol
64. Play the lotto more often
65. Pay off whats left on our credit card

66. Put out bird and squirrel food
67. Spend at least a day in a major city, just roaming and relaxing
68. Make more LJ friends
69. Comment on at least 10 F-List entries a week (35/14300 comments)
70. Learn more french

71. Buy Christmas presents throughout the year to get ahead at Christmas time
72. Get my passport updated
73. Get my Bunny slippers and Grizzly hat for my Gaia Online charcter
74. Put flower boxes on my main door's deck
75. Watch the Ball drop in Time Square in person

76. Get a new piercing (one that will be accepted at work?)
77. Send out the LATE Christmas gifts to LJ people I have been meaning to along with an appology note. (hmm Christmas in July?)
78. Go to the Aquarium in Chicago
79. Visit a zoo every year
80. Have a video game day that excludes Warcraft unless all my friends involved play WoW

81. Find local Drag Shows at local bars and go with my friends
82. Eat at Sonics at least once a summer (have to drive out of state for this!)
It helps that they put one in locally now :D
83. Watch more Bollywood movies
84. Ride the train from here to Chicago
85. When annual enrollment comes around, up the money going into my 401k

86. Rearrange my living room
87. Do a work in cross stitch
88. Re-pot my tulips ~I thought they were dead and found sprouts coming up yay!
Cant repot them.. my friends kids detroyed them :(
89. Take Winston out for a walk at least 15 times (5/15)
90. Go to ten restaraunts I've never been before (0/10)

91. Make Bread
92. Clean car inside
93. Clean car outside
94. Clean truck inside
95. Clean truck outside (yes if you had seen my vehicles, it IS necissary to use up four goals for this!)

96. Find a soldier to 'adopt' and send a care package
97. Cleanup/clean out the basement and re-organize!!!
98. Buy reusable grocery bags for the store, and use them
99. Find a penpal or three on italki.com
100. Visit more Antique shops and flea markets (not neciassarily walking out with something!)

101. Put this list into some type of order!

italics are actually works in prgress but thats a lot more then before :D

101 list in 1001 days

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