i really, really miss my friends. especially these certain few.
today i probably drank 2 gallons of orange juice. and like 6 ounces of wheatgrass?
sleep is the only thing that keeps me going these days. it's like i have nothing to look forward to besides that. well, and the fact that kayla comes down in like a month exactly.
so i went to abercrombie outlet last night. and it would have been magical if they all of their clothes weren't one size, with make believe "sizes" on the tags. seriously.............
but dont worry, the rainbow outlet made up for it. peace&<3 dreb (:
so i got an A+ on my first college paper. i completely wrote it out in the parking lot waiting for class to start. annnnnnnnnnnd, i read at the 14th grade level, so i'm pretty much ahead of the game, ya know!?!
yep. this is my life. i am waywayway excited for this weekend! and tomorrow, because tomorrow is payday!! PEACE&<3 dreb (: