I leave Florida tomorrow! There is a lot of good nature in Florida, but it is best enjoyed sometime other than the summer. I saw a lot of birds. For those interested, they are listed below, with an asterisk indicating birds that I saw eggs and or chicks of:
white ibis*
glossy ibis*
wood stork
great blue heron*
little blue heron
tricolored heron*
snowy egret*
great egret*
cattle egret*
American bittern
least bittern*
black-crowned night heron*
American coot
common moorehen*
double-crested cormorant
black vulture
turkey vultre
belted kingfisher
northern harrier
snail kite
roseate spoonbill
boat-tailed grackle*
blue-gray gnatcatcher
brown pelican
white pelican
bald eagle
red-shouldered hawk
greater yellowlegs
tree swallow
brown thrasher
great-crested flycatcher
crested caracara
red-bellied woodpecker
downy woodpecker
American robin
blue jay
American crow
fish crow
wild turkey
palm warbler
northern mockingbird
savannah sparrow
red-winged blackbird*
American kestral
rock pigeon
green heron
purple gallinule*
eastern meadowlark
collared dove
tufted titmouse
marsh wren
loggerhead shrike
pine warbler
northern cardinal
eastern phoebe
ground dove
morning dove
ring-necked duck
northern shoveler
blue-winged teal
mottled duck
fulvous whistling duck
peregrine falcon
house sparrow
common yellowthroat
northern rough-winged swallow
purple swamphen
ring-billed gull
herring gull
laughing gull
least tern
caspian tern
least sandpiper
black-necked stilt* (cutest chicks ever!)
purple martin
pied-billed grebe
black skimmer
burrowing owl
red-tailed hawk
swallow-tailed kite
black-bellied whistling duck
gray catbird
northern flicker
eastern towhee
magnificent frigate bird
brown-headed nuthatch
pileated woodpecker
ruddy turnstone
black-bellied plover