Here's an update.
A long one. With a slightly depressing title.
110 Pictures This Time!
Little Cocaine has finished writing his first Sci-Fi novel.. at age 7. Next we will take the world.
Cocaine: Maybe not the world, but I'd like to become a professional author.
Yes yes.. I see it now! Cocaine Chimeree, award winning novelist! Very good.
Speaking of award winning, Light's pond is not.. yet. But he already has it stocked with goldfish and minnows, not bad.
And he has a bug, a butterfly and an outstanding goldfish Meryl.
Jet: Let me play you this song I wrote for you, my love.
Mortimer: I am untouched..
Mort: Although on second thought it does sound very appealing to my ears!
I think we can say they've well and truly made up now.
Mort: I love you so very much Jet.
Mort: I should get you a diamond, I think!
Jet: Yes yes..sounds expensive, I like it.
Jet: Although I'd much prefer something more practical.. like a rocket-ship!
Mort: For an insane sim, you're very rational, love.
Cocaine: He freaks me out.
He's spent too much time in a closed room with paint fumes.
I noticed one day that Light, unlike his brothers went to school by bike. He does enjoy the outdoors!
Or maybe he just doesn't like his brothers.
Everything's back to normal.
Yes. Right.. let us carry on..
Cocaine: School scares me.. so many people.. walls are closing in... help!
Cocaine: Oh a playground, this ought to be fun, twin brother of mine!
Cocaine: I see myself in the future, cute and short, writing stories on my computer for people to read!
Uh, that's me, hi!
Well hello there! This is Vienna and Clark's first daughter Tabitha!
Anyway, she's gorgeous and I want her in my legacy.
Cocaine: I don't think this will be any more fun than--
Light: hey Myf, wanna hook up after school tomorrow? Yeah I'm growing up in the morning. So see you then? Awesome.
Wow, Mortimer. Your 8-year-old can do better than this.
Cocaine: Mother was right! Mother was riiiight!
Cocaine: And then mum and dad HATED each other's guts!!
Cocaine: But they still LOVE each other..
Clearly his parents' near-divorce affected Cocaine.
This kid will have serious social issues when he grows up.
Cloud: Light and Myf, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-N-G.
Light: Well, brother, hopefully you're right.. tomorrow.
Light: I wish I will catch all the best fish.. metaphorically! Hehehe..
Leroy: AAAAA
Leroy: UUU..
Leroy: Excuse me.. now, where's my grandson!?
Fishing of course!
And boy is he gonna catch some good fish.
He rolled Charismatic, tell us something we don't know.
He's now a Charismatic, Brave Light-Sleeper who Loves the Outdoors.
Wow, Jet. Wow. Nice job.
Light: I hope she remembers our agreement.
Myf: Hey,you made it ;)
Myf: I can't believe he finally made it here right when my little sister got home from school. Bad timing is a bad sign.
Light: So, you grew up nice.
Myf: Yeah, s'ppose so.
Cocaine.. the puddle's BEHIND you.
Cocaine: I knew I was doing something wrong.
Light: Shut up! We're both brave! Way cool!
Myf: Okay here's the rules.. no kissing till our 5th date and NO touching boobs!
Light: I don't like rules..
Light: I can break a few rules, cos I'm pretty, though, right?
Then they had a deep conversation about the outdoors.
It seemed to mellow little-miss-mean-spirited down a little.
Then I go check on the others for a while and when I return she's SHOUTING at him.
Myf: You're such a WHITE BIGFOOT.
Light: Time of the month much?
Light: I'm not a bigfoot, these shoes were on SALE and they didn't have a smaller size, OKAY?
Oh look it's Ethan Bunch, who I considered marrying Jet to.
Mort: You what?
Mort: That's intimidating as hell!!
Remember Mortimer's stick-figure painting from earlier in the update? least his son uses colours! In true rainbow fashion!
Mimi: I think we need something to put the spark back in our marriage.. so I was thinking maybe we could..
Leroy: Oh, that's brilliant, love!
Leroy: BLEEEE!
Leroy Light: Let's see.. my childhood sweetheart is a no-go.. who else do I have on my list?
I left my typo for you to be amused by.. they don't even look alike!
Light: Tally-ho, Tabitha!
Tabitha: Right. So you said you were having trouble with math?
Light: Hehe.. yes.
Cocaine finished his second novel.. age.. 10?
Someone found the sprinkler!
Light: What do you mean you don't wanna go inside?
Tabitha: There's more than 3 people in the room.. way too much. People freak me out.
Light: Ah.. a loner.
Cloud's improved a lot since his last painting!
Meanwhile Leroy has decided to have an age transition!
Leroy: Well then, tea time, I say!
I'm gonna to kill you.
Tabitha: EEK.
Best picture EVER.
Best picture ever SO FAR.
Light: So how does it feel to be 10 years old and having just written your first best-seller?
Cocaine: Huh?
Cocaine: Oh yeah I forgot about that! I guess it's a pretty fine start to my career!
Light: Booya. I found a diamond. One day I will give it to my partner, whoever it shall be.
Cocaine: Let's build a HOSPITAL out of these building-blocks!
Cloud: Red will be the cross!!
Light: This brother of mine is TOO HAPPY.
Cloud: :D
Sorry for the walls down, couldn't get a decent picture from the other side.
I REALLY need to start dressing these sims up for their birthdays.
Cocaine: I wish to write many best-sellers!
Cloud: Let's see.. what should I wish for...
Leroy: Maybe now nobody will notice that I soiled myself :)
Light, our brave sim starts extinguishing the flame immediately.
And Cocaine calls the fire-depo.
Cloud: You guys?
Cloud: I'm growing up! You guys?!
Cloud: You totally just missed my hotification, family!
Cloud rolled Evil, which makes me let him keep this hair.
He is now an Evil, Excitable and Ambitious Artist.
Too late, lady. Light was done with the fire before we even heard the sirens.
Leroy: Yeah the fire was at our house, it's okay now, I'm gonna watch my grandson grow up!
Jet: Yeah and Cloud and Cocaine just grew-- hold on I've gotta call you back, my husband's flirting with my mother again.
Jet: Sigh. I don't want to do this but..
Mort: Whut?
Jet: YOU had your CHANCE and you blew it.
Jet: Consider yourself DI-VORCED!
Mort: Oops..
Mort: Oh what have I done?
Jet: Yeah I see what you're selling and I ain't buying it. No crying on my shoulder this time.
Mort: I'm so ashamed.
Jet: Eh..
Jet: So how did growing up go for you?
Cloud: How did breaking your marriage work?
Jet: Excuse me? He cheated on ME..
Jet: Maybe Lefty was right?
Jet: What am I saying? Lefty is never right! BLLEEEEEH!
Jet: I guess I'm off to pour my emotions on painting, like my son.
Jet: Is he just like, sitting there? Is he gonna move out, or what?
Oh look.. it's Cocaine!
he has this tortured artist look on his face at all times. That's his neutral look.
He rolled Green Thumb.
Cocaine is now an Un-Lucky, Absent-Minded, Green Thumb who likes to be Alone.
Food makes him happy.
Cocaine: This plate is empty.. like my soul.
You're white generation!
Cocaine: I might wear white, but my soul is black.. like the emptiness.
Cocaine: well. Capitol, capitol! Shall we flip on the laptop and write another novel?
Cocaine: Are you SURE X=2? Because last time it was 10 and the teacher got really mad at me.
Mimi: Not ALL X=2. It depends on the equation you're given in the beginning of that specific exercise.
Cocaine: X can equal different things!? D:
Cloud: He might not know what X=, but I know the root of all evil!
Jet... wow.
I called it: Aphrodite Randolph is Surrounded by Idiots.
Check out the
Randolph ISBI :D
Jet: They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
We will be victorious!
Mort: She covers that Muse song so well.. it makes me sad.
Mort: Why did you stay up past your curfew fishing behind the science facility again!?
Light: Chillax, EX-dad. I'm tired and I'm going to bed now.
Mort: What?
Mort: I don't appreciate that tone young man. Leave my sight.
I don't have the heart to move him out.. yet.. and so I split Jet's bedroom in two.
Next time: More awesome from the White kids? Yeah, most probably!
Happy simming everyone!
Edit: I just edited this like 10 times for typos etc.! I think that's a new record for me.