Lt. Felix Gaeta, a casually dressed unnamed Eight (referred from now on simply as “Eight”), Lt. J. “Shark” Finnegan, Ensign “Easy” Esrin, Specialist Brooks
Pilot!Eight Cylon has just died from electrocution while trying to repair the Raptor’s malfunctioning carbon dioxide scrubbers.
Brooks: I was just doing that! I was doing
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Comments 4
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And thanks again for all those icons. Unfortunately they came with no credits. But if you spot any I've uploaded that you know the credit information for, please let me know!
(puts hand to forehead in distress)
(Gaeta looks up at her with a mixture of hope and doubt.)
Hee! Hope and doubt is right.
You missed the glimpse of Gaeta and Eight's legs entwined ala Kara/Lee in KLG ala the legs intwining of SEX. ;-) I paused many times, he was remembering when their hands touched giving out flight suits.
I couldn't have been imagining it?
I tell you I analyze three minutes way too much. :-)
You missed the glimpse of Gaeta and Eight's legs entwined ala Kara/Lee in KLG ala the legs intwining of SEX. ;-) I paused many times, he was remembering when their hands touched giving out flight suits.
Really? I've re-watched three or four times now and I still don't see what you're talking about. But then, I missed the camera shot from Gaeta's leg in #2 that people were talking about.
Hell, we *all* analyze these way too much. But it is so fun!
No way, you are very fond of Felix, it's just very cute. And I noticed the forehead thing too. Poor guy. He really did try so hard!
Oh, I thought it was just her arm and you have to play with it to get it right, but I think it's legs. (Minute 1:27) But either way, they are touching more than they need to be and the music is definitely suggestive. ;-)
Felix has a triangle! Not for long because she's gotta die. But still!
Poor guy. He remembers all those people's names? By heart? And serial numbers? I'm totally overanalyzing. :-)
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