Wow, I feel better after this....

Jan 29, 2005 00:03

THE FUCK YOU LIST ~ this is a list of all the people I would like to say "fuck you" too....not all names but some so here goes:

1. Good Charlotte ~ I found out today that Joel is dating that annoying little wench Hilary Duff. Therefore any respect I have had for them is lost and I am deciding on the date of my ritualistic burning of anything Good Charlotte I own. I mean, honestly, she is one of those people that they talk shit about in their songs. SUCH HYPOCRITES!!!!! I used to defend them but now I withdraw all of those positive thoughts and comments. FUCK THOSE POSER JACKASSES.

2. Friends who lie to your face ~ Ok, I hate liars period. I dont care who you are, if you lie, I do not like you. Lately there seems to be like this plague among my friends for just blatantly lying to me. What the hell is up with that??!! I mean, do I have a sing on my forehead that says please make my day and lie to me? Its the most frustrating thing ever. so to those friends...FUCK YOU.

3. People who decide it is a good idea and go out to eat when there is a winter storm advisory. ~ They are in essence already saying "fuck you"to you because they do not give a fuck about you or the fact that you would like to be home with your family when everything ices over. All they care about is stuffing their fat lazy faces with endless amounts of food. So, FUCK YOU TOO FATTIES.

4. People who think that just because you are not their clone, you are a bad christian. ~ I will have you know that I am just as much a christian as you are. As said in the movie Saved...(loosely quoted) If God wanted us to be all like then why did he make us so different. I have different convictions that yours and that is none of your damn business. What I think, feel, and do is between God so let's let him be the judge an din the meantime....FUCK YOU.

Ok now that all of that is out, I feel much better. I feel cleansed. Sorry if anyone was shocked or appauled but it needed to be said before I exploded inside. ::sigh:: nighty night.
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