(no subject)

Apr 27, 2007 04:33

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Done in PS 7...should translate

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Wow, I haven't done an icon tut in ages. I'm lost!!  LOL

Okay, here goes...

Okay, after cropping my base down to 100x100, I added these colors, each on a new layer

  #2cc2ff  Colorburn 39%

 #042d4a Exclusion 100%

  #f5c88d  Multiply 52%

  #ff99cc  Softlight 55%

  #66cc99  Softlight 61%

  #2a88c4  Colorburn 27%

the coloring used is a variation from this tut

That was a little too dark so I duplicated my base, brought it up to the top and set it to Softlight 100%

Now I thought that there was too much yellow in the picture so I added a selective color adjustment layer  and took down the yellow in the yellow channel and in the neautral channel, I took the yellow and magenta down a bit and upped the cyan a touch to even things out.

Another color layer

  Darken 26%

  This texture from ??    Colorburn 16%

I duplicated the base again and brought it up to the top, setting it to Screen 42%

Alright, now make a new layer and flood fill it with white, then add a layer mask.

Make sure that your foreground color is set to black and apply this brush from

It was too white so I duplicated the exclusion layer from below and brought it up to the top. I lowered the opacity to 70%

I added my text using Violation at 18pt and a dotty brush from

And that's it :)

tutorial, icon, ps7

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