May God deal with them

Mar 28, 2024 14:28

So I was fired from (Insert Plastics Manufacturer Name) on Valentines Day 2024. I was already in a really pissy and extra aggressive mood that day. I had nothing but flak from those people for the last couple months. They kept escalating and escalating to where I was having mental breakdowns at my press every single day, sometimes multiple times a day. Well they final decided on Valentine's Day (A day I am usually pretty grumpy on to begin with, with only my grandpa's birthday to help cheer me up) to stick it to me on no uncertain terms. I was having a really bad day on top of my usual grumpiness, and as they always manage to do, they made it far worse. I strongly suspect they were planning it as they were pretty deliberately putting me on jobs where they darn good and well knew I was gonna fail.

In fact one of the days I got a write up for the previous day on a job for so much downtime, scrap and quality and then once the front office turned me loose  what do you think those fricking people did. They put me right back on that job. Wouldn't you darn well know I immediately started having troubles again and had a full blown mental breakdown at my press while the hounded me for stupid crap. They'd tell me don't worry if I got backed up, that making sure the door was right was to be my main focus and that they'd help me catch up, and then turn around and yell at me if I got behind or if i missed putting the component in the mold which would screw the mold up. Plus I had my absolutely  fricking supervisor getting mad that we were having issues when first shift's supervisor didn't say they had any (the tech on my shift confirmed they did, but it wasn't reported). The Job is really fast and very sensitive. If you don't get that component in there, it can really really screw it up and then it takes time for the techs to get it running again. I have to make sure that the components are in and also assemble the part when they come out and box them and put them on the skid. Did I mention the cycle time is short making it so much worse.

They put me on another job a week or so later. We'll call this part number 1 as it will be important later. When I came in First shift was having lots of troubles with it. The job is notoriously troublesome. I mean the techs are usually there at least every hour. The day I ran it it was running extra poorly. plastic getting stuck where it wasn't supposed to be, causing both pieces to come out really messed up. It was a two operator job and I was usually always assigned to packing because the previous supervisors correctly knew that the door position was gonna be too much for me, so I was never trained on that position. Well I get there and they made that already hellish and troublesome two operator job a one operator job, and they expected me who had never run the door, let alone the whole job on my own. The trainer showed me and showed me and showed me and I couldn't get it right, especially since the press and hot stamp were messing up. I was constantly calling the tech over. There was a few points where I was calling him over every 5 minutes for like a half hour and I'd honestly say he spent at least and hour and a half to two hours of his shift over there fixing it. Plus they passed parts that I personally didn't think were even passable. They looked through my abundant  scarp pile and kept salvaging despite my reservations. I even pointed out that some of the parts looked questionable to the trainer going through them and she said she was passing some otherwise. my productivity was gonna be super low. This also will be important later.

No we move on to what we'll call part 2 & 3. Parts 2 & 3 are made in the same mold and actually click together with Part one. I can't go into detail about how they do, due to non disclosure, but Parts 1, 2, & 3 go to the same assembly line. I was on put on the job making parts 2 & 3. This is a one operator job but its tricky because it's s a pretty fast cycle and one of the two gets an additional part put in it and both need flashing removed and checked for shorts. I was never put on it by my previous very sensible supervisors because again they knew it was way too fast and complex and that they'd need to work me up before being able to do that job. Well that went out the window and I was put on it and boy did I keep making a mess. The trainer again had to show me over and over and over again like she did with part one and the other sensitive part I had mentioned. The supervisor meanwhile is getting upset that I am struggling with it, and also keeps sending the trainer to retrain instead of shuffling people around to put me somewhere more at my skill and capability level.

Now stay with me, it's about to get interesting. Let's flash forward a week. I get pulled into Hr's office again (with supervisor there) and written up for productivity, too much scrap and bad quality on Part 1. Apparently a whole bunch of my Part 1 parts had to be put on hold to be gone through and I was given a grave warning about next time. Never mind that QC should have been looking and caught it the day I ran it, Never mind that the trainer and Supervisor were looking through the part bins on the skid and should have also caught it way sooner. Never mind that the press and hot stamp were not working right. Never mind that I called the tech many times to fix it. Never mind that I called Quality Control over only for them to say it's the supervisors call and they can't make visual calls on parts, parts that are very visible on the final product. Never mind the supervisor and trainer passed and told me to pass parts that in my opinion were of questionable quality.  I got dressed down and punished and absolutely wrecked for it.

Flash forward AGAIN. This time to Valentines Day 2024. The day I got the axe. for context I was out for that Monday and Tuesday recovering from a sprained shoulder that I had for weeks and wasn't recovering well (probably from me having to use it at work). Urgent Care instructed me to take to days off to help let it rest and recover. They gave me a note to give to my employer and I let my employer know what Urgent Care said and to let them I was going to bring a note in when I got in on Wednesday (Valentine's Day). I get in on Valentine's Day and get inside and go straight to the office to hand my note off to HR. I get into the main office and the HR lady is just getting back into her office and I can see it's empty but she has me wait outside on a chair. I sit there and I hear her call for the plant manager over the loudspeakers across the entire buildings. No specific details, just that he was needed in HR. My heart sank. I had a pretty good suspicion I knew what was coming when I heard that. A few long minutes go by and then the plant manager arrives and me and him are taken into Hrs office where wouldn't you know it there's a bunch of part 1s and part 2s stacked on the table along with a tote with my traceability info written on it in the trainers handwriting. They show me the Part 1s first and they look so bad. Very cloudy from the heat on the mold being messed up ( I was checking my parts for that so don't know where those came from cause they sure didn't look like mine. The some also had the hot stamp messed up or they were scratched and unusable. Next they show me the Part 2s which had shorts. They then showed me the bin with the order tag with my traceability info on it stuck to the totes. They told me 40 totes were put on hold. I don't know if that was all of just one or both combined, They told me it set that job back weeks because they had to sort them meaning that they couldn't go to the assembly line. As a result of that they told me they were terminating me effective immediately and the plant manager escorted me from Hr's office to the front lobby to call for mom to pick me up and wait for her to arrive.

What I'd sure like to know is, where in the heck the supervisor, the trainer, the QC were in all of that and why their heads weren't rolled too. The supervisor and trainer are equally responsible for the failure due to deliberately passing bad parts and for not catching it. As I mentioned they started limiting what QC could deem unacceptable and overriding them erroding the independence of the QC to determine per their boss's instructions whether a part is good or bad, that was supposed to be per the way the company laid things out. I very strongly believe this was very much planned and orchestrated. That's okay. If they are reading this know two things and know them good. I forgive you for your wrong doings. That said, I hope it was well and truly worth it, because one day you will stand before GOD and have to answer for your crimes. You'll have to answer for why you very deliberately harassed me, bullied me, and targeted me and for every time you talked to me like a mentally ill child. That's just me too. I have friends who you also treated with such utter contempt. You'll answer for your behavior towards them. God's taking notes and you won't be able to hoodwink and cheat him like you did me and the justice system here. I pray you change your tune before it's too late. May God have mercy on your souls

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