So, yea.

Jul 20, 2005 20:35

So, some of you might see this as a stupid list, but you know me and my lists -- and this is one of those that I've been pondering a lot on lately. I really don't know why, but it is. Most of the items are stupid/shallow, but still, it's stuff that I want to do. Someday. So, for my latest list... drumroll please ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

skelly171 July 21 2005, 02:39:43 UTC
PS. when you plan on spending uhhh oh yeah $75,000 on one dress, make sure it fits me too, so i can steal.

here's a few to ponder on

1. go to the top of the eiffle tower and try to find one of the miniature sheep that people hide on famous monuments.

2. go to a ritzy NYC party in winter with my boy/hubby that includes at somepoint dancing at the rainbow room in a swishy black dress.

3. go to a rolling stones concert.

4. ride a tandum bike while eating an ice cream.

5. have someone dress me head to toe for a big event.

6. be an answer to a trivial pursuit question.

love, love, lovey, love, lovey, love


crazyblazy529 July 21 2005, 04:37:14 UTC
NICE EM i just love what ur listening to right now lol
ur my baby i want to see u before you leave love you angel!


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