I believe it was Star and Sweetpea who put the CDs on in the Burrow and played them! We must hop to the CD players and have them on continuous loop. If not, we could put them CDs into our Pooters so that they play whenever the Pooter is on.
We're lucky buns - we have all three Bunny Tunes albums and the Ebony Eyes Chris-Moose CD. We work hard to promote all albums amongst our bunny friends, promote the tunes on our videos and we're already working hard on the next album and encouraging others to write and record songs of their own.
I think I'm doing my bit but I'm always here to help (when I'm not shopping).
I think the link to the Bunny Tunes website should always be included with the Bunny Tunes chart so that everybun is reminded of it each week.
We have had words with our mum who will be purchasing bunny tunes, very soon. But mutter something about just paying for a trip to Ireland. What's a trip?
We know all the Bunny Tunes so well by now that Austin & Hatty are welcome to listen to our copies until they can get their 2foot under proper control. We could never hop by and leave another fellow LIA agent in distress.
No, I don't think so but you could add a link to the Bunny Tunes site as part of your signature, eg. "Read more about BunnyTunes and order your albums at: http://www.freewebs.com/bunnytunes"
I can also put together a mailing list to keep everybun informed of updates to the site.
If you have your own website, networking site (eg Facebook, MySpace then you can insert this coding as a link to it: Visit the BunnyTunes Website
We had given our mom a standing order that whenever she is any place online that appreciates a bun, she is to share the information and links in regards to bunny tunes! We know for sure she has done this on MySpace (and we know one bun who promised to order it there too!) and in fursonal emails to other bun slaves. When mom was emailing a local bun organization, we sneakritly typed in the web addy for bunny tunes there too, and a note that perhaps they'd be interested in having it to sell as well. But we don't hold out much hope for those 2foots. So even though we've not mentioned it, we have been working on exposing as many as possible to Bunny Tunes!
Comments 13
I think I'm doing my bit but I'm always here to help (when I'm not shopping).
I think the link to the Bunny Tunes website should always be included with the Bunny Tunes chart so that everybun is reminded of it each week.
Please continue to spread the word far and wide about BunnyTunes. Buns must NOT be deprived!!!
We could never hop by and leave another fellow LIA agent in distress.
I can also put together a mailing list to keep everybun informed of updates to the site.
If you have your own website, networking site (eg Facebook, MySpace then you can insert this coding as a link to it: Visit the BunnyTunes Website
The coding should read: a href="http://www.freewebs.com/bunnytunes/">Visit the BunnyTunes Website
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