As chance-seller the budget is entirely yours to set and to spend for the greater good of Lagamorphia. I can think of nobun better qualified for the task.
Maddie... Maddie... Maddie... How long have you been chance-seller? You should by now be aware that it is YOUR job to raise the gold coins and then to spend them in the appropriate way. I recommend that you start by stealing them from your 2-foots and any visitors that they may have.
A very good question (for a 2-foot) Maddie is in a very fortunate position. As she holds the position of Chance-Seller in the Bunny-Mint she has control over the budget which allows her to allocate herself a pension.
Comments 10
As chance-seller the budget is entirely yours to set and to spend for the greater good of Lagamorphia. I can think of nobun better qualified for the task.
Aunty K is wurried that Maddie Bun is getting old. Will she get an Old Age Bunsion?
I have awarded myself a well-deserved Damely bunsion...
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