summer... i love it!
i know i always talk about how much i hate it here, but to tell you the truth being home isn that bad. Its been nice hanging out with all these people and having a good time, infact i think me being away from home has made me closer with a lot of my friends. Ive been spending a lot of time with _:chEryl:_ and its made me really happy, cheryl you are one of the few best friends i have and i just wanted to say thank you for every little thing you've done for me. Thank you to all my friends... i adore you all.
cousins are in town, next two weeks should be fun...heading up north friday for a few weeks which blows. However the lovely sarah breen and rachel bohn will be up there as well, with my cousins joining me on sunday. Anyone that wants to come up to my cabin on Higgins Lake is more then welcome, just call me up!
alors, i have no more to say<3
except kaitlyn... i miss you and only 60 more days till school!