Last time on The Iridial Legacy...
- Generation 0's challenge was successfully realised - yay!
- Saffron, their only daughter, took over the reins.
- Her challenge: Single parent of five children, Adventurer, Five-star Celebrity, Hoarder.
- She started as she meant to go on, by sleeping with Jupiter Belle.
- Chimes were heard.
Jupiter really wasn't right for her anyway... )
Comments 4
Whoops, replied using my main journal - that 'yes' is from Millimu. *grin*
I like the whole random future thing set out yannoo :)It gives this legacy a different edge :D
I'm enjoying the random thing a lot, though I have to admit I'm making it easier on myself by rolling the randoms at the first birth of the new generation. That way I know what I'm aiming towards from the start. :)
Edit: whoops, sorry to cause any confusion. I replied with my main journal by mistake. This is Millimu, too.
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