Title: Boxed In
millionstarPairing: Matthew/Dominic, AU
Rating: R, I guess
Here There Be: Language
Disclaimer: I don't own Matt or Dom, no profit is being made, and this is fiction.
Summary: "A very large box, decorated with a very large bow, was now located in the center of his flat."
Author's Note: Trope bingo fill: thunderstorm. If you
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Comments 31
My birthday is on the 20th september. I am not recovering from a cheating partner but i WAS thinking of maybe spending it by myself in a nice hotel/spa/___ (fill in with next option).
Can i have one of those boxes instead?
Yes you can. I'll get right on it, and I mean right ON it. ;) Thank you for reading. <3
Of course I despise you for ending there, and the obligatory fuck-you-basket is on the way, but I need to point out that,
PPS: Don't try to move the box - open it where it is. Leave me alone, I don't make the fucking rules. No, you shut up. - Chris
I really, really, really, really love Chris. I know, I know, how can you not, but it clearly needs to be pointed out again. Also,
[...] because Dominic, scared shitless by the whole thing, had punched him, hard, in the face while screaming in an extremely non-manly manner.
I'm so not surprised about this. Can also see it happening RL. Sorry, Dom, I love you. Or something.
Love your face <3
Thank you for reading and for your comment, seriously. Love your face right back. <3
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