Title: Renewal
millionstarPairing: Matthew/Dominic AU
Summary: Christopher operates a homeless shelter in town and is very curious about his newest two occupants on New Year's Eve.
Here there be: Slight angst, mentions of homophobia, bits of fluff.
dolce_piccante - thank you so much, boo. <3
Author's Note: If you decide to read, thank you, so much. I
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Comments 11
"Because you deserve a shot at a better life. All you are guilty of is being in love, and that should never be a crime, Matt."
Weeps again. This is beautiful. Thank you and happy new year!
Happy new year! ♥♥♥
"Because you deserve a shot at a better life. All you are guilty of is being in love, and that should never be a crime, Matt."
Oh, Chris! Such a good, sweet man! I loved all the characters and their backstories. I dare say this is one of your best stories, dear. Thank you for sharing it! <333
So sweet ... such a sad thing, a shelter for the homeless, the need for those places, the hatred people still feel towards gay people, but you turned it into such a positive and sweet story.
It's brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my heart, thanks for sharing such warmth for the New Year!
Love you D! <33
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