
Feb 22, 2012 16:48

In the beginning, it was a nice day.

This is a word which here means 'pleasing', 'agreeable', or 'delightful', so it may come as a surprise to you, dear reader, to hear the day described as such, given the situation in Milliways these past two weeks. But then, 'nice' is such a relative term, don't you agree? And certainly it would be difficult for ( Read more... )

agent k, jake lonergan, hellboy, kanaya maryam, flemeth, annabeth chase, adrian shephard, logan, katya, ben grimm, waco kid, cyborg, teja, han solo, simon tam, pleakley, sallie reynolds, wonder woman, kreyu, olivia dunham, doc scurlock, aziraphael, artemis, jack harkness, yrael, will scarlett, crowley, mal reynolds, unicron, nick sayre, felix of vale, voodoo, val von doom, apollo (percy jackson), atton rand, leonard 'bones' mccoy, puss in boots, nepeta leijon, charlie mcgee, enzo matrix, x-23, ava wilson, thalia grace, raylan givens, noble six, david xanatos, borgel, gordon freeman, jack bauer, the doctor, angel (buffy), glorfindel, sariel rager, michaelangelo, claudia donovan, cal chandler, michael the archangel

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Re: -06 HRS howarewefortime February 23 2012, 00:20:34 UTC
The lightning storm over the lake, though dissipated was powerful - more powerful, perhaps, than most patrons have realised. And though the storm itself is gone, and though the residual energy no longer crackles off the water, the tree-tops, the very grass, that doesn't mean it isn't there.

And Milliways' patrons aren't the only ones to have noticed.


Those acquainted with the better class of aquariums, or who have had the (mis)fortune of travelling by submarine, may be familiar with a certain sensory phenomenon: the creak and shadow of something huge, something incomprehensibly vast, ghosting past one's tiny bubble, far too close for comfort; the eerie, inhuman echoes reverberating through the walls, the ground, and straight up one's spine.

This is nothing at all like that.

This is worse.


Re: -06 HRS munchchomp February 23 2012, 00:26:26 UTC
--Meanwhile, outside the Observation Window!

Galactus is finally within grabbing reach of Milliways, and reaches out for the last morsel of life in the dying galaxy when--

--when it becomes apparent that there's company. Unicron!

Company with the same intent to destroy in mind.

And no desire to share the prize.


Re: -06 HRS howarewefortime February 23 2012, 00:34:02 UTC
It's hard to say what the sound is; whether it's the muffled blasting of weapons the size of cities, or the very foundations of Milliways bellowing in protest - or simply the long, slow scream of metal on metal, deepened and stretched to a hollow roar by the vastness of space.

It's not so very important, though.

Not now that - slight and erratic, but nonetheless perceptible - the whole of Milliways has begun to judder and shake.


Re: -06 HRS thechaosbringer February 23 2012, 00:54:30 UTC
No. No! NO!

This is his! The bar is his alone to claim!



Re: -06 HRS shuuuun February 23 2012, 01:20:55 UTC
The Pink and Blue Unicorns giggle and dance overhead in absolute glee.

"All Hail the devour of worlds!"

"Let the destruction rain supreme!"

"Shuuuuuuuuuuuun, shuuuuuuuuuuun, the robot lord--"

They both stop and hover just out of range of any fighting.

"Actually, I'm okay with the devour of worlds or the robot overlord," Blue said.

"Phhhhflp," Pink offers in counter.


Re: -06 HRS thechaosbringer February 23 2012, 02:18:10 UTC
The unicorns are suitably ignored.

Sinking teeth into whatever body part of his opponent happens to be closest is much higher in priority.


Re: -06 HRS munchchomp February 25 2012, 04:05:11 UTC
This is like that alternative universe time Galactus was devoured by zombies. The World Devourer would be glad he can't remember be that, if he only knew that had happened once.

Instead, he wraps both hands around robot body parts he can and tries to bodily throw Unicron away. (He isn't really used to fighting, being the size of a planet. Just surviving all the explosions until he eats.)


Re: -06 HRS thechaosbringer February 25 2012, 04:16:50 UTC
What a shame. Unicron's got plenty of battle experience under his belt, thanks to Primus and the Transformers.

Several asteroids crumble into dust from the impact.


His mouth lets loose an energy blast.



Re: -06 HRS munchchomp February 25 2012, 04:31:38 UTC
Galactus and Unicron tumble back and forth together across the collapsing universe just outside Milliways.

There's a whole lot of shaking goin' on!


Re: -06 HRS thechaosbringer February 25 2012, 04:49:16 UTC
And amidst all that wrasslin' Unicron has decided that if he can't destroy the bar directly, he'll just use Galactus to batter it with instead.

There's more than one way to skin a cat cause an apocalypse.


Re: -06 HRS claudiometer February 23 2012, 02:19:59 UTC
Claudia thinks she's got all the basic repairs to the bridge device done. But the problem, as best as she can piece together from what she remembers of Doug's life flashing before her eyes, is that it doesn't come equipped with any way of pointing the wormholes at one thing or another. So she's adding one, since - if she does actually have to turn the thing on - she doesn't end up wherever the wormhole goes.
(all the way to the end of the world)
When the shaking starts, she eyes the ceiling for a long few moments, then sighs. "That would start just as I get to a fiddly bit."
Still, no point in giving up now, right? If she must go down with the ship, let it not be with an incomplete project.


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