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-01 HRS howarewefortime February 24 2012, 06:20:21 UTC
It's too late.

You've done well. You all have; so very well. Thank you. But it's too late. The shields are disintegrating. Galactus and Unicron have battered at them too long and too hard; the looping death of the TARDIS has taken it's toll, and that toll is too high. The centre cannot hold.

They spin slowly into the black hole, one after another, silent in the empty void of space. The TARDIS flickers and blooms one last time, and then winks out, like a candle being snuffed. The two destroyers  s t r e t c h  away, long and terrible, and then they, too, stutter and are gone ( ... )


Re: -01 HRS isaysimplewords February 24 2012, 06:40:21 UTC
You know what?

Fuck that.

Cal owes Milliways his life, as literal as it gets. He owes Milliways everything. He's not leaving it. This is the least he can do.

If Milliways needs his life, Milliways can have it.


Re: -01 HRS claudiometer February 24 2012, 15:12:28 UTC
Claudia is just... curled up in a ball, under the tree still, trying her damnedest not to cry.
(and remember, I will always, always--)
At least Joshua got to tell her he loved her before he got et by an interdimensional space. No one's going to know what the hell happened to her.


Re: -01 HRS isaysimplewords February 24 2012, 16:16:51 UTC
Cal could, he thinks, go back out into the fray. He feels steady enough for that now.

But . . . but they're not winning, and those things are gonna spot the triage space sooner or later, and when they do, the people here who can't defend themselves are going to need fighters who can.

(He has, if not gotten over the shock of being one of those fighters, at least put it firmly aside. He is one of them. Does it even matter why?)

That and it seems cruel to leave Claudia alone right now.

"I heard they were evacuating people into the Lost and Found," he says. "It's probably quieter in there." She doesn't strike him as the type to go for it, but just in case she didn't know - well, now she does.


Re: -01 HRS claudiometer February 24 2012, 16:24:06 UTC
"Can't get the bridge device that far," she says quietly (almost hollowly). "After sinking the last week into the damn thing I'm not leaving without it." She could, perhaps, try using it to go the hell home... but would it be her home, given what she thinks happened to Doug?
"Besides, if I'm going down with this ship, I'm going down with this ship, not in a Lost and Found box."


Re: -01 HRS isaysimplewords February 24 2012, 16:35:40 UTC
He should probably disapprove, try to argue, something.

But he doesn't disapprove, and besides, Claudia can make her own choices. As he recalls, this is one she's more equipped to make than a lot of people her age; the Warehouse doesn't exactly sound like a safe zone. She's probably had to deal with the fact of her own mortality before.

So he just smiles a little and says,

"Yeah, that's what I thought. It's probably boring in there, anyway. Personally, I'd rather get it over with out here."


Re: -01 HRS claudiometer February 24 2012, 17:12:55 UTC
She hasn't faced that fact on the same scale as, say, Artie - or even Pete or Myka, including before they got Surprise Transferred. But she has been almost squished by the Warehouse, and almost ground up in the Gooery, and almost chopped up by a pendulum, and almost blown up by a movie-rules mad-science bomb, and almost frozen/otherwise killed by a psychotic computer. Even though she's scared as hell, she feels qualified to make this call.
(drink a bit of wine, we both might go tomorrow)
"Anyway, what if someone needs another wormhole or something? I just fixed this thing and I barely know how it works, I dunno if someone else could figure it out."


Re: -01 HRS isaysimplewords February 24 2012, 17:41:48 UTC
"I definitely couldn't."

Science and technology: not Cal's strong suit. And he's not ashamed to admit it.


Re: -01 HRS claudiometer February 24 2012, 17:51:41 UTC
"So really... there's no point in hiding in a box."
This isn't the same as any price being worth it if it brought Joshua home, even when Claudia knew that price might be her life. This is - there's no goddamn good reason for it, and it sucks, and she can't think of anything else she can do.


Re: -01 HRS isaysimplewords February 24 2012, 18:00:48 UTC
"Yeah, when you put it that way . . ."

When she puts it that way, it sends a claustrophobic little shiver down his spine. If he'd needed another reason not to head into Lost and Found himself, that would have been the perfect one.


Re: -01 HRS venusadept_2 February 24 2012, 18:39:39 UTC
So this is it. There's absolutely nothing more Felix can do.

His powers have been unreliable for hours. He's used up his last potion, and he's still bleeding (though not badly). And to top it off, his sword, the Sol Blade, that he's relied on for years, just broke.

He's known for some time that everything that begins must end. It doesn't make this easy to accept, but he can try. Still, there's no need to hurry his own end, so he makes his way toward an area that looks defended.

(Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wonders what his friends on Weyard will think of his disappearance.)

Eventually he ends up near this same tree, saying nothing, just clutching the pieces of his sword and staring toward the monsters.


Re: -01 HRS claudiometer February 24 2012, 18:42:27 UTC
Claudia manages a wave, if not a smile. Those are in... pretty short supply at the moment.
(Still, this is better than hiding in a limbo space, no matter how good he company in the Lost and Found might be. She... she couldn't do that. Nope. Not after what happened to Joshua.)


Re: -01 HRS isaysimplewords February 24 2012, 18:51:23 UTC
Cal casts a sympathetic glance at the sword. His own weapon is intact, if getting low on fuel; there may be plenty for the taking at this point, but he still wouldn't like to have it break on him.

"Hi," he says to the sword's owner, summoning up a slight smile. "Pull up a patch of grass."

(The part of him that will always be a politician has shrunk considerably in the last few months, but it won't ever disappear entirely. At least, not until he does.)


Re: -01 HRS venusadept_2 February 24 2012, 18:59:01 UTC
Felix opens his mouth, closes it again, nods, and sits down.

Once he's down, he manages a "Hello."


Re: -01 HRS claudiometer February 24 2012, 19:04:05 UTC
"Hey." Claudia's still folded up pretty small, almost like she thinks it'll help ward off... whatever. She knows it won't. But still.


Re: -01 HRS isaysimplewords February 24 2012, 19:11:29 UTC
"Anything new and exciting going on?"

His voice is very dry.

The apocalypse is old news by now.


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