[OOM: In Ambergeldar, immediately before this,
Amy receives a most unwelcome communication.]
For the second time today, Amy comes into the bar with only a half-formed idea as to what exactly she's hoping to accomplish. And, once it again, it will depend greatly on who she runs into.
But while usually there's something of a lessening of tension when she comes into Milliways, tonight she pauses in the door, squares her shoulders, and closes her eyes for a moment. And while she's calm and composed as she continues forward, the effort to be those things is probably showing if you know her (and probably even if you don't).
Queen Amethyst of Ambergeldar (for it's not really fair to call her Amy when she's like this) scans the room quickly, looking to see who is here that she knows, and hoping she'll see her friends.
[OOC: This one is plotlocked, with apologies.]
[tiny tag: x5-494/Alec, Meg Ford]