Trouble back home]
The portal connecting the Killerwatt dimension and his home world was still down.
This was a troubling development.
Sure, he could just pop into his world with out the portal, but he would be stuck in some random location without the ability to teleport to were he needed to go.
Those bastard wizards.
To make matters worse, there was a vampire stalking around here pulling off the same tricks Lowerniel Drakan started playing with when Zaros first brought him into the world. There was commotion near the library last night, as there has been every night since he returned from his "shopping" trip. The library, obviously, wasn't a safe place to become distracted by a book.
Here, in the bar, there were many eyes. Eyes that would notice something suspicious happening, hopefully.
Find Evil Chicken at some random table at no particular place in the bar, attempting to comprehend the books Fundamental Electrodynamics and Basic Principles of Semiconductor Devices.