And to cap it off, something a little more restrained. Preemptive Happy St. Valentine's Day, people, ♥
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live layout:and I believe we were friends, valentine
style: flexible squares
accounts: Basic, Paid, and Sponsored
features:custom comment pages, mini icons, sidebar
browsers: IE7, FF, Safari, Chrome, and Opera
and I believe we were friends, valentine by milou veronica
flexible squares // basic, plus and paid
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Choose Journal Style 02.
Select "Blue Gray" Flexible Squares layout in "Select a New Theme"
Choose a Page Setup, select 2 Column (sidebar on right).
Go to "
Customise your Theme " and then "
Style ". Change the "Background color of the outer table" to #DFDCDC.
Then go to the "
Sidebar" section. Make sure all the sidebar elements you wish to show are enabled. This is also where you add the free text.
Still in "Customise your Theme", go to "
Custom CSS ". Ensure Use layout's stylesheet(s) is set to no
Paste code into the Custom Stylesheet box.
♚ mini icons by
Pinvoke♚ As per usual, feel free to add your own header/ edit bloody anything you want to.
♚Please address all questions to the
F.A.Q.♔ Commenting and crediting not necessary, but always appreciated :)
Also, I pimp:
Photocons is your one-stop shop for graphics made from photography. While 'icon' is in the name, this is a place for all graphics. Banners, wallpapers, headers, etc are all welcome alongside icons and avatars.