Who, and other Moffishly-related stuff

Jun 27, 2010 10:42

Last night's Who finale, as well as making me shout and squee and clap like a mad seal, put me in mind of the end of another season of Moff-crafted loveliness.

image Click to view

(note to self: adjust icon to include still from latest Pratchett-Sky extravaganza, with text: Jeff was curiously Moist)

Loved the back and forth continuity in the museum (including the briefly lived fez), Rory who-is-now Mr Pond (and why not? She'd be expected to change *her* name! ) Amelia who showed such signs of the Amy she was to become (and her red wellies), the Doctor's wander back along his timeline and his decision not to prolong it - and River who scares Daleks into begging for mercy, and would fit so, so well into TW...

All hail to Rusty for the reboot, the many wonderful characters and storylines, and for the fact that it would not be here now to enjoy without him - but *that* was how to do a happy ending. I do not miss the angst one bit.

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