Title: on another's sorrow
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: John, Dean, Sam
Word Count: 2,800
Rating: PG
Summary: It's been eight months, but John's back.
Notes: Third in the
Innocence 'verse (de-aged Dean). Title from William Blake. Even though this has nothing to do with the poem. At all.
on another's sorrow )
Comments 51
gah! stuck between laughing and crying, 's too much awesomeness.
You write so gooood, it's legendary. I love your de-aged Dean verse...well, I love any de-aged Dean fic but yours is awesome like this perfect blend of angsty adorable.
You know what's awesome?
You, this fic, door-slamming Dean and Sam with his floppy socks. Okay, and John too for coming back.
You write such great family dynamics, and I think this is an all-around lovely 'verse. <333
Heartbreaking, wow. And Sam at sixteen, having to cope like that, theorising at the start that other people manage it so he must be able to, and going without so wee Dean eats enough... I think it only gets *more* distressing when one thinks about that being situation-normal for so many people out there. And he's trying so hard, poor kid.
Your four year old Dean is kind of amazing - he seems so very likely, and of course, god, he *just* lost his mum at the start there. I think I'd be quite happy to never stop reading about them like this, but it is so sad right now.
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