Very late Heroes review due to RL shenanigans:
Overall I thought it was alright but it didn't really grip me. I like it more for the character information we got than the episode itself, if that makes any sense. And for Adrian because I really missed him and he is fascinating to watch in this Nathan-Sylar experiment.
It was interesting that Nathan!Sylar was portrayed and presented quite differently from the season opener. They toned down the suspense and creep factor and clearly meant the viewer to sympathize with him. I was wondering when they would steer the character more in this direction, because it's crucial to have the audience care about him, if they want the internal battle to have any emotional effect. Now, I'm still not sure if we are supposed to accept this Nathan 2.0 as the real thing or are just meant to root for him.
It was noticeable however, that Adrian sneaked back a few of his old Nathan mannerisms. He still played him more vulnerable and sincere than the original flavor but there were definitely some old familiar glimpses. Like the way he barked at Peter when he went to see him in the hospital or some of his dead panned remarks to Angela.
It was actually Peter who felt more off in their short scene together. He was neither as bitchy as he was during Volume 4 nor as needy as in the beginning. He was somewhat sincere and yet distant. Weird.
And like
gossy16 mentioned, it's nice to have some confirmation that the Petrellis did indeed mindwipe the boys. I understand that this was supposed to be an extreme measure under extreme circumstances but once that line is crossed, I find it hard to believe they wouldn't erase other things from the children's minds. Noah and Sandra as well as Arthur have proved that point. Which is rather creepy because it allows a lot of speculation about what else they made them forget. Now with Arthur mindwiping Angela and Angela haitianing the boys or at least Nathan, is there anyone in that family who knows everything? Who hasn't a few blank spots in his memory?
And speaking of Noah, I'm really feeling the Peter/Noah lately. On Peter's side it seems quite different from any of his previous interactions he had in the past seasons. For some reason it feels much more intimate than the relationships he has with the other characters with the exception of his family and girlfriends. They have this weird mixture of mentor/student, father/son, partners in crime and bachelorhood and friends vibe.
There was even some of Peter's old spark back, mainly his desire to investigate mysteries when he came to show Noah his nice arm. But he immediately retreated back into himself the moment Noah shot him down. Get over your respective emoness and go on that road trip together, guys!
Swoozie Kurtz as Millie was fantastic. Like I said to
snopes_faith, I never realized how much I would enjoy watching Angela going head to head with an equal. With the exception of the short alliance with Noah there wasn't really anyone who could match Angela. And there is nothing better than two matured, clever women trying to destroy each other in a dignified manner and meeting each other on every step.
In conclusion: Fuller's "Cold Snap" was one of my favorite episodes of volume 4 but this episode lacked any real momentum and the different story arcs felt very disjointed until the very end when the "Acceptance" theme linked them together in their resolution. It serves as a nice turning point for many characters, though. Mainly Hiro, Tracy and Noah.
Hiro finally acknowledges his fate and tells his sister the truth. One of the best Hiro scenes in a long time. And I'm actually curious to see where he is going from here. Hopefully on an emotional journey without regressing back to a 10 year old along the way.
Tracy's story line similarly failed to engage me so far although I was really looking forward to her. But like with Hiro she finally realizes she can't go back to her old life and pretend nothing happened. I'm curious to see which direction she chooses now.
And Noah finally got over his midlife crisis and finds a new purpose. He realized (thanks to Claire) that he is his best as a company man, but after his epiphany how he never really helped any of them it will be interesting to see, if he changes his methods and goals.
Peter is not quite there yet, I guess that's where Emma comes in. Sometimes an outsider is the best person to make you realize how fucked up your life and behavior is, especially if you are trying to ignore the people closest to you. Still, there were some slight changes in his character too. He sought out Noah for help, had a little of his old urge to investigate mysteries back and he did offer Nathan to accompany him to Millie, even though he wants to stay away from drama. Full well knowing that dead girlfriends were involved before he made the offer.