Sep 25, 2007 01:03
Author: Ca
Title: Phonecalls to mend and break
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Clach :D
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own Heroes, yo.
Warnings: gen, angst, melancholyness, general strangeness
Summary: Loosely based on "Four Months Later". Claire has a conversation with an old friend...
Word Count: 260
He hadn't known what alone felt like until the day she left. No amount of high school evasion could have prepared him for that emptiness. His best friend, gone away to hell knows where. No number to call; her old one was disconnected. The Bennets had up and left Odessa, and their identities had disintegrated along with their old house, their old lives.
Zach felt like his life had gone with them.
“I don't know if I can do this anymore.”
“Do what anymore?” He bit his lip; held his breath, she had to stay on the line just a little bit longer...
“Be this.. person they want me to be. I can't pretend.. I needed someone to talk to. Someone who understands.”
He wanted so badly to tell her.. that he understood. But what could he do? He didn't even know where she was, let alone what she was going through.
“Are you still there?”
“Yeah,” he said after a beat, taking a deep breath to compensate for the one he forgot he had been holding. “I'm here, Claire.”
“I can't be.. Claire Butler. I won't do it. I have to find.. I have to get back to New York.”
“And do what?” he asked softly, noting her slip. “Save the world?”
“Yeah, maybe.” He could hear the clench in her teeth and he winced, forcing a smile on his face out of old habit-one he hoped she could see; hoped she could hear.
“What can I do? Anything, you just say the word.”
The line went dead.