Orlando's POV
Orlando woke up at 4am. He had gone to bed at 8pm and now he was wide
awake. He helped himself to some green tea and smoked. Today would be
a "Green-Day", so no coffee even though he really wanted one. But
that didn't matter. He had to be in control. But that had not always
been that way. No wonder Alex had left him. He was fat. Alex had
always told him so and he had been right. `No one will ever love such
a fat thing like you, Orlando. It's disgusting, you are disgusting.
I'm gone, I want a man and not a fat lump like you.' He shook his
head to rid himself of that hurtful memory.
He had already showered and dressed but time was crawling. At 5am he
finally left and walked to the make-up trailer. No one was there so
he strolled around a bit. Half an hour later he saw someone enter the
"HEY, what are you doing here?" He spun around in shock and was faced
with the woman who had shown him to his trailer.
"I'm trying to kill time until I have my appointment in make-up."
She softened a bit. " How long have you been out here?"
"Since five."
"You have to be in make-up at…..?"
"Let me guess, you got up at four." He nodded embarrassed. "You're
*really* new. Soon you'll be happy `bout every minute you can sleep.
Come." He followed her into the trailer. "Mary, your first victim for
today. Our new one has been waiting since four to become Legolas."
A small woman with thick red hair came out of a room and smiled
brightly at him. "You're first day, I see. I should enjoy it. In no
time I'll have to drag you out of bed to get you ready in time."
Orlando smiled back, she seemed rather nice. "Ok, follow me." She
made him sit down in front of one of the mirrors. "So, let's start."
Quite a while later she was faced with Prince Legolas of Mirkwood.