Title: Flame
Pairing: Jongho
Length: 863 words
Rating: PG-15
Genre: friendship, humor (not really)
Summary: Jonghyun is a pyromaniac. Minho is concerned.
Minho knows it’s not smart to trust Jonghyun with anything other than a microphone and a guitar. He also knows that Jonghyun is capable of coming up with some pretty silly plans when he’s bordering on enervation. So when his best friend suggests that they begin to set random knickknacks in Jonghyun’s house on fire, he’s a little less amused and a bit more concerned that he needs to see a doctor.
He’s thought up completely stupid ideas in the past but he’s mostly never acted on them thanks to Minho and his history of being a “party pooper”, as Jonghyun so maturely put it. Therefore it isn’t the first time, nor will it be the last time Minho wastes his life away trying to prevent his friend from doing some kind of reckless endeavor, and on a school night at that. His hyung is an idiot and there’s nothing he can do about it, he induces.
“Minho, it’ll be fun! My parents won’t even notice anything’s gone, trust me.” He’s trying to be reassuring, using those puppy eyes on him but Minho has long since become immune to them.
He just shakes his head in resignation. Jonghyun is almost an adult now and if he wants to do something completely senseless and risk his parents murdering the both of them, well, who is Minho to stop him? Plus it’s almost two in the morning (where are Jonghyun’s parents anyway? He forgot to ask…) and he needs to leave soon lest they get caught.
He’ll just be sure to stand by the window so when the fire department comes to extinguish the huge house fire that’s bound to commence then he can leap out of that window and book it back to his house (where his parents are most likely assuming he’s asleep since he locked his door from the inside).
Even worse, what if they get caught by Jonghyun’s parents? Now he doesn’t know about anyone else, but Jonghyun’s mom is the absolute scariest to him when she’s angry (and sometimes even when she’s not). Getting on her bad side -again; let’s not forget when she found out he and Jonghyun prank called their principal and they got suspended for a week -is like signing a death wish, she will obliterate anyone in sight. Especially Jonghyun.
He only came over to make sure his best friend studied for the test he has tomorrow. What has he gotten himself into?
“Dude your mom is going to kill us when she finds out.”
“You mean if she finds out, but she won’t so there’s nothing to worry about anyway.”
Jonghyun stands and wipes his hands on his sweatpants. They’re supposed to be reviewing (mostly Jonghyun, seeing as Minho finished all of his work hours ago), however it looks like someone’s going to be failing that test tomorrow and it won’t be Minho.
Jonghyun has to know that this is a dumb idea. Why in the world is he doing it? Worst of all, why is he dragging Minho into it?
Must be one of those things that students do right before they graduate, a goodbye present to his parents maybe? Burning their house down and leaving them homeless for when he packs up and moves across the country for school. Yeah, sounds about right. Sounds like Jonghyun.
Minho follows behind dispassionately as Jonghyun shuffles about his house, picking up this and that and deeming whether or not it’s old or ugly enough to burn. His parents are considerably wealthy, and they have more than enough pointless figurines for charring. Being completely honest with himself, if he lived in such a house, he’d probably come up with just as foolish a plan.
When the elder finally decides on what he wants to get rid of, he grabs Minho’s wrist and quickly leads him into the bathroom before dumping everything in the tub and flicking his hair out of his eyes resolutely. He puts his hands on his hips and smiles like he's at a kid's birthday party instead of about to set things aflame.
“You’re going to burn this all in the tub?”
The shorter male smirks, like he knows it’s the best idea in the history of ever. “Smart right? Then I can put it out easily.”
He whips out from his sweats pocket a lighter. It’s one of those fancy ones, shiny, un-rusted silver with intricate patterns
running up the sides and on the lid it reads Kim. Jonghyun claims he got it from his uncle before he died (for some reason he thought Jonghyun was a smoker, which he isn’t) and he was told that it costs more than his house. Judging by the huge gambling problem the old man had in the past, neither of them would be surprised if it were true.
“Ready?” He doesn’t sound nervous at all. In fact he sounds excited to be ruining other peoples’ items. Minho makes a mental note to watch Jonghyun around his stuff from now on. This is probably one of his most implausible ideas to date.
“Uh, sure. If you say so, hyung. But I’m going to go stand over there.”
a/n - barely edited because laziness /sigh.