
Oct 10, 2005 07:53

Well friday was fun i got to go to mrc saw a few people
from gardendale i had tons of fun but i am pretty much deaf now but its all good

dont have much time to do anything
anymore always working when im not im with danielle i wouldnt have it
any other way

i love her so much

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Comments 11

__wantingyou October 10 2005, 23:03:49 UTC
its mcr loser.
i hope that was a typo b/c how could you get that wrong.

i love you more than you will ever know.


myownroughdraft October 12 2005, 05:42:17 UTC
haha....mrc yes, big loser. Im happy for you and Danielle.. yall seem good together. BTW, i hate you for going to that concert...j/k but i wanted to go SOOOO bad.


__wantingyou October 12 2005, 22:39:07 UTC
josh i miss you so.


anonymous October 15 2005, 06:40:12 UTC
mem ur to sweet for a thing like that i know u care for others and you are scared to show that. let your heart speak and not the bitch. you know why people say this and it is true! your heart is to goooooodddddddd for something like that. your personality was the best then u changed when u met her. what happened to the senior and sweetness that everyone knew. so many people say that u where a better person with vanna. you know who made you a better person and its not her!! dont lie to yourself be true to ur heart. in life you get one chance but with that right person it is more than that. people think that looks is everything and there is one person that loves u for that sweet, wonderful, thoughtful, caring personality and u know that is not danille!! listen to YOUR HEART NOT DANILLES MOUTH FOR ONCE AND BE THE GUY WE FIRST MET!!!!!!!!!!!!! at homecoming i saw u and when u went up to vanna to say hi and that she looked nice u were happy then danille got mad and u left. is that pussy wipt or just sex?? just wondering!!!u need to find ( ... )


mimwebb October 17 2005, 18:43:11 UTC
i never went up and talked to vanna at the football game...
there is a reason me and vanna broke up u obviously know nothing
danielle is the greatest girl ive dated i dont know what your problem is wirh her when u dont even know her, amanda i bet its u


__wantingyou October 17 2005, 18:58:09 UTC
D-A-N-I-E-L-L-E ..thats how you spell my name.
i mean for goodness sakes if you are goin to talk about me just spell the name right..b/c you already seem to know me and everything.
and even if mem wasn't dating me you think he would go back out with savanna. um the answer for that would be a "no".
and mem is still a sweet guy to the people he cares about...he just realized who is true friends were that stayed friends with him even though he broke up with savanna.
and if you were such a true friend why is it hard for you to leave your name?
"people think that looks is everything"--well thank you at least for thinking i am pretty and that savanna doesn't have great looks but still you didn't get anywhere with the fact of supposedly savanna being better than me.
wow..you are such a great friend.
lets be the best of friends?]

p.s. yeah you are right its just the sex.


Memo... anonymous October 22 2005, 03:28:34 UTC
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...okay WHAT THE IN THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM? Mem, this is all in a JOKE...so don't start drama.

we think your our sexxah goodies in bowl of hott steamy chocolate syrup on a hott steamy platter of icecream...we want to slap your oh...

Mem oh Mem, your a freak.

damn you and your un perfectness

we are the shits and the perfect ones.

end of story.


-your friends well in freakin art-


(The comment has been removed)

__wantingyou October 23 2005, 23:55:07 UTC
i'm sorry it sounded like i was sayin i was prettier than you..it wasn't like that i was just sayin if that person was such a good friend they shouldn't have said "people think that looks is everything" b/c that is implying something bad about you.
yes i haven't been the nicest person to you...just some of the things you did really bothered me...and i didn't feel like it was my place to tell you to stop or not do so much.
so the only way i could deal with it was to just not like you.
and you are right this should have been over along time ago and it was there for awhile...until dumb people that don't have lives and like to start drama had to put this crap.
on another note i'm happy that things are goin well for you.


DANIELLE vanabanana06 October 26 2005, 20:35:53 UTC
hey im sorry we had ao much trouble before i dont know how it got that far even to the point that me and mem werent aloud to hang out or even talk of course we still dont hang out but we talk a little more now but we should definitly get together and talk i was gonna talk to you that night i drove up to mems house but you went inside and well we know the rest but yah im gonna go so bye vanna


anonymous October 27 2005, 01:36:55 UTC
you know you sure can give a real good speech full of bullshit...b/c every word you just said, is stuff YOU DO bitch.

i just wanted it to be very clear now people need to stop gossiping bout if me and him talk to each other or something because it is becoming bull crap make your own drama and dwell in that and i dont appreciate being dissed by people who only know me by here say be my friend then judge me

yeah.....you gossip about EVERYBODY so you expect other people to not gossip about you? that's hilarious. and saying shit about somebody judging you? please, you judge everybody else....and that shit about true friends stick by each other, you couldn't be a REAL friend if your life depended on it. you stab everyone in the back and then expect people to be there for you? wtf? you'll rot in hell anyway. just not soon enough for me, unfortunately.


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