Title: "Rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera" Series: Hetalia Characters/Pairings: North Italy, Holy Roman Empire Words: 254 Rating: PG Summary: Written for hetalia_contest's prompt, "sky."
Ahahah, I'm worried that I tried to stuff too much emotion in so little space. :'D But thank you so so much, it really makes me happy to hear that!! &hearts&hearts&hearts
the image of the sky darkening that then beginning to light up again was very well done and touching, and i have to imagine what a different fic this would be if you hadn't added in those last few lines. overall, the fic was so well-done, dear--i've been waiting for you to enter, again! &hearts
T-THANK YOU!! It really means a lot to hear that from you, seriously &hearts&hearts&hearts !!! Thanks so much for reading/commenting. I hope I have enough time to enter again soon, I had a lot of fun with this. :D
Comments 10
There's a lot of emotion in so little space, and it really is a lovely job well done. Interesting take on the prompt.
I love your take on this :) The emotion is almost tangible, and I absolutely lovelovelove that scene when HRE dies...
Great job! :)
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