Because there are folk who read my LJ for fic or just because we are in some local community groups, I've made a filter for my current marriage/living situation nonsense. I barely need to hear it, the whole world sure don't
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My friends are dreaming about going out drinking (with me, which is cool) or getting knocked up (which is just terrifying) and I dream about
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Title: Watching her do wrong Prompt: #60--Enemies Character: Alex Eames (+others) Warnings: None Rating: NC-17 Summary: Detective Jimmy's observations of young Alex leads to a bit of a lesson.
It's not that so much that I get sleepy at this hour every day. The deep urge to close my eyes and get behind a locked door is because I've finally hit the wall with the noise. Like a baby at fireworks, by brain is searching for a way to make it go away.
I know it's not my fault, but I still feel like I need to say this.
I am very, very sorry for the 80's. We were wrong, okay. I can admit this. The clothes were ugly. Most of the music was silly. At least the drugs were still good.