Ahhh, I meant to update yesterday, but sort of got distracted. I’m sure you all were heartbroken at the lack of pokespam and stupid nicknames.
On that subject, I didn’t start nicknaming pokemon until DPt. I used to think it was stupid, for some reason, but now I’m having a fucking blast with it. It gives the pokemon ~*personalities*~.
Though uh, nicknaming my pokemon in DPt wasn’t really a good idea, considering I was completely unfamiliar with that generations pokemon when I started. I still don’t comfortably know the names of all the pokemon in my Elite Four party on that game ahahaha (and for anyone who is dying to know, that party is Manfred [Empoleon], Donatello [Torterra], Aki [Infernape], Aizen [Staraptor], Lex Luthor [Luxray], and Alakazomg [Alakazam]).
Gym leaders!:
Whitney was not as bad as she was in old school GS thank god. That stupid Miltank still had that stupid fucking Milk Drink, but I did the smrt thing and Disabled it, then proceeded to curb-stomp her :3
Morty was sweet sweet XP for my under-leveled Houndour. Do you know what it’s like going into a gym filled with ball-shaped Ghost-types with a Dark-type that knows Bite? It’s like playing Pac-Man, that’s what it is. Pac-Man that you cannot lose. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP.
Chuck was also ridiculously easy, thanks to my Baron and Alakazomg. Seriously, Chuck, two pokemon? What were you thinking :|?
Jasmiiiiine was so cuuuuute. I just want to take her home. She is like moe wrapped around a steel core (PUN TOTALLY INTENDED). Finally, a place for my Aconcagua and Cerebus to shiiiine. The first time I fought her, the Steelix killed me and died from a burn that same turn, and no one got XP B| so I had to restart. That second fucking Magnemite did more damage than the Steelix, what the hell.
Jesus Christ when did the Rockets get to be so goddamn cute. THE TREE. WITH THE TOTALLY-SUBTLE ANTENNAE IN IT. I just. Love this shit. Petrel is so cuuuuuuuuute with his fanboying of Gio (who can blame him?) and his dorkiness and his terrible party. He should be the moeblob, Japan, not axe-crazy Proton (DAT ASS).
Ariana is unspeakably smoking. I will join TR for you, bb. /huff huff GIO YOU DID GOOD :|b Silver, I think it’s time you learn what MILF means. I like how she’s not all THIS WAS ONLY A MISTAKE, YOU’LL SEE and more "....ok so, you’re a good trainer /appreciative gaze"
Guys this dowsing machine is the best thing ever. EVER, I tell you. I have like 5 nuggets in my bag right now thanks to it.
Ran when do I get Rock Climb :|
These pokemon keep getting cuter. When I talked to Aconcagua in the TR HQ he was all ">:[! Aconcagua is glaring at your foe!" aslkjhalkjcahsd teeth rotting oh god
SWINUB HAS FINALLY STOPPED SUCKING. He was really awful at first, since Swinubs always have terrible stats and he grows sooooo slow, but the combo of Icy Wind, Mud Shot, and Earthquake means he can take down a lot of things in one or two hits, provided he has the type advantage. And well, type advantage is what I hired him for (hello, Clair, Lance).
This Houndoom was an excellent idea. Why didn’t they think up this type combo earlier? (Because there was no Dark-type prior to Gen II, Rian) The only way they could top this is if they gave the Luxray family a secondary Dark-type.
Baron is really shitty for some reason. Better now that she has Fly, but still not as BA as I remember the Pidgey line being :[ Probably because I’m used to using a motherfucking Staraptor now ha ha. Nothing can top that thing.
Ok I think that’s it for now :|a Off to Goldenrod for super-fun radio tiems.
Badges: 6
Pokedex Seen/Caught: 118/26
Current Party:
Lvl: 27 ♂
Quick Claw
Lvl: 27 ♀
[no item]
Lvl: 26 ♀
Tangled Feet
[no item]
Lvl: 27 ♂
Lvl: 26 ♂
Flash Fire
Lvl: 27 ♂
Shell Bell