Here's an art. This is from November when I first started getting into bandom. I was going to post another, but all the photos came out blurry and I'm too lazy to go take more. So. Yeah. The the people are Ed Minton and Ali Paul from Elliot Minor.
Om Nom? )
Comments 4
ALI'S HAIR <3333
(I doodled more Gaskarth... Like, in his pink gloriousness.)
That's his hair from back before he dyed it back to black and stuff. <3
I'm friending you if you don't mind... I need more Elliot Minor fans on my f-list. Hahaha.
No problem! I'm not a very interesting person, just so you know. I don't really post journals. I'm going to try working on that, though, don't worry. ;D You'll be seeing more of me soon.
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